IT Corner

Lowongan di PRUDENTIAL

Technical Support – Officer Jobdesc: Design and maintain network, infrastructure and other IT systems. Qualification : Bachelor degree in Computer Science with min. 3 years relevant experience. Familiarity with AS/400 and having professional certification for MS Office, anti virus and utilities software is advantage. Customer Service – Staff • Male/Female […]

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Lowongan Pekerjaan di dataOn (

1. SOFTWARE DEVELOPER JOB DESCRIPTION: Develop and maintain HRIS (Human Resource Information System), and ERP (Enterrpise Resource Planning) applications Prepare application technical materials Perform System Integration Test Complete other duties as assigned TECHINCAL QUALIFICATIONS: Familiar with HTML, JavaScript, CFML, PHP and ASP Familiar with MSSQL Server, and Oracle Database Excellent […]

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Lowongan PHP Programmer

We are looking for PHP programmer to develop custom Warehouse, Sales and Inventory software. • Strong PHP OO design and development skills. • Strong JavaScript development skill. • Exposure to Ajax framework eg : ( dojotoolkit, extjs, scriptaculous) • MySQL database design • CVS • Fast learner • Reliable, have […]

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Informasi Lowongan PNS November 2007

Berikut ini beberapa BUMN yang sedang membuka lowongan PNS bidang Teknologi Informasi (TI, SI/MI, dan SK) pada awal bulan November 2007 ini : Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (LAPAN). Spesifikasi dan pengumuman lengkap dapat dilihat di sini. Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN). Informasi dan pengumuman lengkap dapat dilihat di sini. Departemen […]

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